Bruce L.J. Martin (Jr.)
Clark County Central Committee
Commission District E
Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
Voted 2nd Place
Best Medical Cannabis Grower in Nevada!
Nevada Cannabis Awards Music Festival
September 28, 2024
Las Vegas, NV, USA
Founder/Owner of Keepers of the Hemp
Surviving Attempted Murders
Martin withdraws from U.S. Presidential Nomination process because of complications from unattended injuries on duty from May 12, 1996. July 24, 2024
New York State Insurance Fund refused to authorize hospital emergency room evaluations and surgeries when I was trying to keep it together and not pass out from shock and blacking out from serious injuries. The hospital doctor placed opiates in my body and other controlled Rx, and someone said: "By law we cant treat you unless the insurance adjuster authorizes the doctors requests."
I sutured up a partial evisceration with organ protrusion and got myself to the hospital after going to my primary doctor.
~ Bruce
Statement on former US President assassination attempt and murder of a civilian. July 13, 2024
I have mixed emotions for I am saddened and angered that someone would resort to using a weapon to kill a person because of a different viewpoint(s) and fire with total disregard for all life present at the rally.
I pray for peace for those suffering loss of life from this tragic event, and I pray for swift and complete healing for the former President of the United States and any others injured.
We need to stop allowing people to carry guns. We do not allow sword carrying. Become a law enforcement officer.
~ Mr .Bruce L.J. Martin (Jr.)
June 28, 2024
Martin identifies party line voting for US Presidential race.
After the disastrous presidential debate last evening on CNN, Bruce has concluded the United States of America has no viable Presidential Candidates in contention, but instead America' is being forced to vote Party Line.
updated: 11:11am
June 28, 2024
New York's Heavy Hitter enters the U.S. Presidential race.
The son of Hon. Bruce L. Martin, founder of Martin, Harding and Mazzotti, LLP, Albany, NY, has announced his intention to be elected President of the United States.
Bruce L.J. Martin (Jr.) a published political scientist, currently a member of the Clark County Central Committee, Las Vegas, Nevada, former Legislative Director at the New York State Assembly, New York State Senate decorated permanently injured on duty life-member at the Mariaville Volunteer Fire Department, Inc., Duanesburg, NY, and Broadcaster/DJ/Vocalist/Model/Actor deemed this decision as necessary.
June 28, 2024
Martin calls for a stop to development and construction of "Financial Living Centers."
Bruce says: "We need to design housing communities with space for private gardens so people can survive better. Citizens are being duped into thinking grocery stores can support the populations food requirements. We learned that supply does not meet demand. That is the fault of billionaire business administrators. Greed harms the masses.
Additionally, reducing electric costs and securing electric generation and delivery is a National Defense initiative of mine. By adding solar projects to buildings we can enhance the electric infrastructure while protecting natures activities. Animals other than humans live here too."